Thursday, March 11, 2010


I encourage you all to use this database of 8000 newspapers from around the world, which is free if you access via the UNSW Library. This would be very useful fo your Design for Disasters projects.
To access Factiva, you can either use the UNSW LRD (Library Resources Database) or Sirius. Look up "Factiva" and you'll find the link to the online resource.
You can set the dates to search for, as well as the particular region and country of the newspaper.
You can also filter results to include only English-language reports and articles.


  1. I have been using Factiva to get all my information, all though they are all e-journals, i got no videos or i have not obtained any videos during my research is that a problem? also how do i post the journals i real from factiva to my profile? can anyone help me? thanks

  2. Factiva is good for text-only articles from newspapers. You will have to use Google Videos or Youtube to get videos. Articles from scholarly journals are obtained from the UNSW Library Sirius site or using Google Scholar. To post the articles you could just provide a link to the address of the article.

    if you're having difficulty with posting stuff on your blogsite you may need to go through some tutorial videos available on the BloggerHelp Youtube site
